Landon Pediatric Foundation

The Landon Pediatric Foundation (LPF) formed over two decades ago to establish and maintain a comprehensive system of family-oriented, culturally-sensitive care to all the children of Ventura County.


Our Mission

We work within Ventura County and beyond to bring together organizations that also believe in our vision of a community-based health system for children.  Our shared efforts have built an established, successful, holistic center of care. 

We strive to make a difference in the lives of our local families; bringing a medical home to our patients with the greatest need.

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ACEs Aware Ventura County

Check out how Landon Pediatric Foundation is working to bring Better Help, Better Health, and Better Hope to Ventura County and beyond through the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Aware project.


GetMoving TV

Dr. Landon's television show has won many awards for its community based efforts to spread knowledge of health issues and health technology in Ventura County. The show often features parents and patients but also highlights important breakthroughs in health care that can be life changing for our patients.


“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”

— R.J. Palacio, Wonder